“Rethink The Daily Grind.” Part of Mars Incorporated, Mars Drinks creates great tasting moments at work with five brands: KLIX®, FLAVIA®, ALTERRA®, THE BRIGHT TEA CO.™ and DOVE®/GALAXY® hot chocolate drinks. With U.S. headquarters in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and U.K. headquarters in Basingstoke, they employ more than 650 associates across 8 countries.
When Mars Drinks redesigned its global headquarters and business campus they contacted us to create exterior images of the newly designed facility. We shot the exterior architecture as well as captured aerial images of the campus by helicopter. We later provided photographic coverage for the inaugural event.
For the previous two years we have also been responsible for covering the Mars Drinks global leadership conference which takes place yearly at the West Chester campus. We provide corporate event photography as well as capture business headshots of each member of the global leadership team.
Please feel free to get in touch for more information, to get a quote, or to plan your next project.
phone : (727) 204 – 9949
email : studio@carvermostardi.com
ClientMars DrinksServicesPhotographyLinkwww.marsdrinks.com